What are Pyrethroids?
Pyrethroids have been used for over 70 years by governments, homeowners, farmers and commercial pest control operators.
They are used globally to protect human health from many infectious diseases carried by pests, including Lyme disease, Zika virus and West Nile virus.
These ingredients include:
- alpha-Cypermethrin
- beta-Cyfluthrin
- Bifenthrin
- Cyfluthrin
- Cypermethrin
- d-Allethrin
- d-phenothrin
- Deltamethrin
- Esfenvalerate
- Etofenprox
- Fenpropathrin
- Flumethrin
- gamma-Cyhalothrin
- Imiprothrin
- lambda-Cyhalothrin
- Momfluorothrin
- Permethrin
- Prallethrin
- Resmethrin
- Tau-fluvalinate
- Tefluthrin
- Tetramethrin
- Tralomethrin
- zeta-Cypermethrin
For a list of products containing pyrethroids, visit the EPA website.

Additional Pyrethroid Facts
- Pyrethroids strongly bind to sediment and other natural materials in water bodies, which limits bioavailability to non-target organisms.
- Pyrethroids protect the nation’s food supply by helping farmers control pests that threaten a wide range of important crops.
- Manufacturers of pyrethroids promote the responsible use of their pesticides through stewardship programs aimed at growers, consumers and professional pest control applicators.
- Pyrethroids are widely used in products for agricultural, vector control (e.g. mosquitoes), animal health, stored grain, home and garden, and turf and ornamental markets.